A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer's hard drive when you access certain websites or applications. Cookies allow, among other things, to collect statistical information, to provide certain technical functionalities, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits or preferences of a user or their computer and, depending on the information they contain and the way in which they use their equipment, they can be used to recognize the user. Please note that cookies cannot harm your computer and in return, the fact that they are enabled helps us to identify and resolve potential errors.

There are several types of cookies:

First-party or third-party cookies: these are first-party cookies when the cookies are managed from the terminal or domain of the same publisher. From third parties, when they are not sent by the publisher itself, but by another entity.

Session and persistent cookies: in session cookies, the data collected is only collected while the user is browsing the website. In the case of persistent data, the data is still stored on the terminal and can be accessed for a certain period of time.

Technical/personalization/analysis/advertising cookies: technical cookies would be those that allow traffic and data communication to be controlled; personalization, which allows users to access according to some of their own characteristics (browser, language, etc.). Analytics collect data on user behaviour and allow user profiling to be created. Finally, advertising companies collect data on the management of advertising spaces.

Our page displays content from third-party vendors, such as Facebook and Instagram.

In order to access third-party content, users must first accept the terms and conditions applied by them (including their cookie policies, which are beyond our control). If users choose not to access such content, these third-party cookies are not installed on their devices.

Third-party services are beyond the control of Providers can modify their terms of service, purpose and use of cookies, etc., at any time.

Our website uses cookies. The strictly necessary ones are installed automatically. Those that may be used to personalize content and advertisements, provide social media features, and analyze traffic, are at your option, check or uncheck the boxes you will find when browsing our website at your discretion.

The regulations state that we may store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of the website. For all other types of cookies we need your permission.

Below we detail the type of cookies we use on our website.

Summary table of cookies used on our website

- Session cookies, which expire when the user leaves the page or closes the browser, i.e. they are active for the duration of the visit to the website and are therefore deleted from our computer when they leave it.

- Permanent cookies, they expire when the purpose for which they serve is fulfilled or when they are manually deleted, have a deletion date and are normally used in the online purchase process, customizations or registration, so as not to have to enter a password constantly.

Depending on the entity that manages the computer or domain from which the cookies are sent and processes the data obtained, we can distinguish between first-party and third-party cookies.

- First-party cookies are those cookies that are sent to the user's computer and are managed exclusively by us for the better functioning of the Website. The information we collect is used to improve the quality of our service and your user experience.

- Third-party cookies, when the user interacts with the content of our website, third-party cookies may also be set (for example, when pressing social media buttons or watching videos hosted on another website), which are those set by a different domain of our Website. We are unable to access the data stored in cookies on other websites when you browse those websites.

Browsing this website means that the following types of Cookies may be installed.

Cookie Type


Examples of Use


These cookies are used to improve your browsing experience and optimize the operation of our websites.

They store service configurations so you don't have to reconfigure them every time you visit us.

- Volume adjustments for video and sound players.

- Optimal video streaming speeds.

- Store the purchase made in a "shopping cart" on E-commerce sites.


These cookies are used to store geolocation data from your computer or devices in order to provide you with more appropriate content and services.

- Content adjusted to the country, city, language, etc.


Log cookies are created when you register or when you log in to one of our web portals.

- You can stay authenticated even if you close your browser, so when you come back you'll still be logged in unless you log out or log out.

- To access certain areas of our websites, for example to participate in a competition.


These cookies collect information about your browsing experience on our websites in a completely anonymous way.

- We can count the number of visitors per page or the most viewed content.

- We can know if the user who is accessing is new or repeat their visit

- That information can help us improve navigation and provide you with a better service.


These cookies collect information about advertisements displayed to each anonymous user on web portals.

- Tailor advertising to the type of device from which the user is connecting.

- Provide advertisements managed through third parties ("Ad-servers") that are displayed on the site in real time.


The user will have the possibility to decide whether to keep the cookies enabled on their computer through the cookie manager enabled for this purpose.

Users who wish to disable the cookies accepted so far can do so from the preferences section of their Internet browser. This configuration must be made in each browser, if you do it in one browser and not in the others of the same device, it will be assumed that in the others you accept the use of cookies.

As each browser has different settings, you will need to head to the help part of each one to see the particular case. This section mentions the most common ones, however, due to updates to the browsers or operating system you are using, this may vary. It's best to always refer to your browser's user manuals.

Chrome: Go to Menu – Settings (on Mac: Preferences) – Advanced Settings – Privacy – Here you choose whether to set cookies or delete existing cookies. For more information, you can visit Chrome Help.

Internet Explorer: Go to Tools – Internet Options – Privacy – Privacy – Settings – Advanced Options. Configure what you want. For more information, you can visit the browser's own help section

Firefox: Go to Menu – Preferences – Privacy – Show cookies – Configure according to what you want. For more information, please visit the help section of your browser

Safari: Safari – Preferences – Privacy – Make the desired settings. For more information, please visit Apple Help

Cookie Policy last updated on 01/10/22